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古谷 茂利


1980   日本生まれ


私の作品制作のテーマは、私自身または社会のなかで起こっている、通常かたちとして認識されない 現象を可視化することにあります。平面作品やビデオ作品を通して、言葉の制約に対しての補完と挑戦をしています。繊細に紡ぎだされた作品は、混沌と秩序、 増殖と制限が混在する世の中を描写しています。






2016   "East West Art Award Competition" Best Category Prize in Contemporary II, London


2016   "East West Art Award Competition" 2nd Category Prize in 2D II, London


2016   "The Art House", London


2011   "Asia Digital Art Award", Finalist Prize, Fukuoka


2007   "Campus Genius Award", Shortlisted, Tokyo





2024 "20th Athens Digital Art Festival", Historic Centre of Athens, Athens 

2023  "Sindbad: I can see land", Al-Sharbatly Annex, Jeddah

          "Japan: Myths to Manga", Victoria and Albert Museum, London

2021  "NeoMythos", Gray Area Foundation for the Arts, San Francisco

2018  "Memories", Millepiani, Rome


"I Say Yesterday, You Hear Tomorrow. Vision from Japan", Gallerie delle Prigioni, Treviso


"14th Athens Digital Art Festival", Athens Concert Hall, Athens


2017  "elsewhere", Floodlight Foundation, London


"ShowRCA", Royal College of Art, London


"var i = phenomena; var x = future; for (i < x) {i++} ", Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, London


"Output", CGP London, London


"Reset", Hockney Gallery, London


2016  "Hey/Sei Pop", Sway Gallery, London


"East West Art Award Competition Finalists Exhibition", La Galleria, London


"RETHink Art Digital Festival", House of Culture, Rethymno Crete


"Internet Yami-Ichi", Tate Modern as Part of Off Print London 2016, Rob Walker, London


"12th Athens Digital Art Festival", Historic Centre of Athens, Athens 


"The Campaign", Dyson Gallery, London 


"Dis Play", CGP London, London


"WIP Show", Royal College of Art, London


"Works on Paper Art Fair", Royal Geographical Society, Hanga Ten, London


2015   "Affordable Art Fair", Battersea Park, Hanga Ten, London


2013   "Saatchi Screen", Saatchi Gallery, London


"Watercolours and Works On Paper Fair", Royal College of Art Kensington Gore, Hanga Ten


2012   "Affordable Art Fair", Battersea London, Hanga Ten


"The Young Masters Fund-Raising Auction & Exhibition", Rupert Cavendish Antiques, London


"International Art Fair", Royal College of Art Kensington Gore, London, Hanga-ten






2017    ロイヤルカレッジオブアート プリント学科修士課程修了 (with a grant from Nomura Foundation)


2008    東京藝術大学大学院 美術研究科環境設計デザイン専攻修士課程修了


2006    東京藝術大学 美術学部デザイン科卒業

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